Plastic Free July | Hotham Alpine Resort
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Plastic-free July

Posted 19 July, 2021

Plastic-free July is a global initiative to reduce plastic waste and you can do your bit by choosing to refuse plastic and reduce your waste footprint.

Here at Hotham, we are committed to moving towards a circular economy, aiming to re-use and recycle as much as possible. We have already begun pulverizing glass waste generated on the mountain and reusing it to seal our roads and tracks.

Since 2010 we have diverted food waste from landfill through the Living Bin Program. However, we need your help to continue to reduce our waste footprint.

It’s easy to make small changes to reduce your use of single-use plastic and choose plastic-free alternatives. Here are a few ideas to get you inspired:

  • Remember to bring your reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one. There is a refilling station within the Mt Hotham Transit Station.
  • Remember to bring your reusable coffee cup and reusable shopping bags with you on your trip to Mt Hotham.
  • Find plastic free alternatives when buying groceries such as refusing pre-packaged fruit and vegetables or buying bulk foods. Choose loose leaf tea over tea bags, as unfortunately many tea bags contain plastic. Instead of using liquid soap in a plastic bottle choose bar soap.
  • Got leftovers? Use alternatives to cling wrap such as reusable containers or beeswax wraps. Swap cling wrap with a plate when microwaving.

For more information and ideas about how you can help, visit